GISMO: module Project - submit an application

GISMO allows applications for BOF and IOF funding to be submitted electronically. The conversion of the known calls takes place gradually; some calls are still submitted on paper. Whether an application must be submitted on paper (= pdf by e-mail) or via GISMO is indicated on the specific webpage. The functionalities within the application module are gradually improved as more data are managed in GISMO (e.g. re-use of known information on projects and publications, support of the CV, ...).

Access to GISMO (with your Ghent University account details):


  • In principle the promotor of the project proposal will create and submit the application. However, it is also possible to appoint a proxy to take on this role on behalf of the promotor. Request this proxy role via The promotor will in any case have to initiate the application after which the proxy can take over.
  • After logging in on GISMO, choose the tab Project. Then you can start a new application or continue working on an application you had already started. You can find an already started applications via the tile Overview of my applications. If you have opted for New application, choose the call for which you want to apply.
  • Not every call is made available to everyone. E.g. only a newly started ZAP member will be able to submit for a BOF Starting Grant. Only professors who meet certain preconditions will be invited to apply for Basic Research Funding.
  • User support can only be guaranteed during office hours. Often, a distinction is made between substantive support (via the funding cells involved, such as and - for questions about application conditions) and technical support (via - for questions about the module itself). So try to work on your application in good time (see also below).


For some sections certain documents need to be uploaded - the relevant templates are made available in the Attachment section at the bottom of this research tip.

Detailed information

  • We recommend saving your work occasionally (via button at the bottom); for security reasons the module will automatically end the session after a long period of inactivity.
  • Some applications require the signature of several people involved (e.g. IOF) - please take this into account when submitting and try to work on your application in time.
  • Each call includes several blocks of information to be provided (these blocks are on the home screen of the selected application). A red wrench or green tick in the top right corner of each block indicates the status: incomplete or completed. You do not have to follow the order offered.
  • Almost every block starts with a short instruction sentence containing the basic information about what is expected in this block. In addition, there are often information icons (= tooltips) that provide more substantive or technical explanations.
  • You can work on the same application at the same time with a number of people (promotor and co-promotors) but not on the same section at the same time. Certain sections, the so-called 'personal sections of people involved in the project', must be completed by the person in question (or his/her proxy). 

People responsible for the project:

  • Mind the conditions for application!
  • The person who starts the application will be regarded as the promotor
  • research tip on adding external people
  • link with personal profile:
    • Caution, the personal file (My profile) is only accessible to the researcher involved, not to his/her proxy. 
    • Since 2020 an ORCID is mandatory for all researchers applying for BOF or IOF funding as a (co-)promotor using GISMO. A technical check is built into the application module. Make sure this information is available in advance when you prepare an electronic submission. If the ORCID has not been connected a link is shown via which this made possible (= Take into account that GISMO processes the creation and connection of an ORCID-id via Biblio one day later.

Discipline codes: see separate research tip

Keywords: see separate research tip

Ethics: see separate research tip


  • the BOF publication list is automatically generated according to a set template.
  • to indicate your five most important publications, you will be shown a list from Biblio.
  • If there are publications missing that are necessary for the application, please contact

Text boxes:

  • Adding photos/visuals in text boxes: save the visual separately and add manually to your text. Do not copy-paste straight from Word.

Final check:

  • A submitted application is presented as a PDF file for assessment. Before submitting, you can check the visual result of your input via the file icon on the start screen.
  • After a correct submission (via the button below), you will receive an automatic message in your mailbox. Of course, this is not yet the granting of the project. You will later on be informed electronically of the final evaluation of the proposal. 


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Last modified Sept. 19, 2024, 5:06 p.m.