Biblio: Repository policy
Policy information regarding the Biblio publications' repository of Ghent University.
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Metadata policy
- Anyone may access the metadata free of charge.
- Metadata are currently available under an Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL), in line with the Library's open data policy for library collections metadata.
Data policy for full text items
- Access to some items is restricted.
- All items are individually tagged with appropriate permissions and terms of use.
Content policy
- Biblio is an institutional repository.
- Biblio includes the following item types:
Journal articles
Conference and workshop papers
Reports and working papers
Books, chapters and sections
- Items are individually tagged with their type and date.
- Principal languages for content:
Other languages can also occur.
Submission policy
- Items may only be deposited by authorised users of Biblio with appropriate credentials.
- Authorised users have a Ghent University account and include:
- The submission process must conform to the submission guidelines in the User Manual and Ghent University's Policy on Scholarly Publishing.
Curation policy
- The provided level of curation for items in Biblio is basic metadata curation (brief checking, adding basic metadata, etc.).
Preservation policy
- Items will be retained indefinitely.
- Biblio regularly backs up its files according to current best practice.
- Biblio will try to ensure continued content readability and accessibility of the deposited items.
Last modified Feb. 18, 2025, 4:45 p.m.