[ENLIGHT] Collaborating with ENLIGHT partners? Seed funding opportunities - deadlines 31/01/2025 and 15/03/2025
ENLIGHT is an alliance of 10 European partners. We combine efforts in the areas of education, research, and societal service.
The alliance consists of the University of the Basque Country (ES), the University of Bern (CH), the University of Bordeaux (FR), Comenius University Bratislava (SK), the University of Galway (IE), Ghent University (BE), the University of Göttingen (DE), the University of Groningen (NL), the University of Tartu (EE), and Uppsala University (SE).
More information on ENLIGHT and what this alliance can mean for you, can be found on our intranet page: https://ugentbe.sharepoint.com/sites/intranet-onderwijs/SitePages/en/Enlight.aspx
Currently, there are two options available to fund small scale initiatives aimed at fostering cooperation with ENLIGHT partners:
1 - ENLIGHT+ call
- WHAT? The aim of the call is to facilitate the organisation of joint small-scale projects, collaborative events, or workshops, while also encouraging initiatives that actively contribute to the advancement of sustainability practices and the promotion of inclusivity within our academic ecosystem.
- CONDITIONS? Colleagues from at least 3 ENLIGHT partners are involved in the proposed initiative, and the output(s) of the project are open for participation by colleagues from the remaining ENLIGHT partners. Both academics, administrative staff, PhD students, and students from ENLIGHT universities can participate.
- CALL & BUDGET? The maximum funding amount and deadlines for implementing the proposed measures may vary depending on your university.
- DEADLINE? 31 January 2025
- MORE INFO? See https://enlight-eu.org/university-about-us/funding/1072-enlight-calls-spring-2024
2 - INSTITUTIONAL CALL for joint cooperation initiatives in research
- WHAT? Ghent University provides support joint cooperation initiatives in research between Ghent University and two or more of the nine other ENLIGHT universities. This call is funded by the Flemish Government Department of Economy, Science & Innovation.
- CONDITIONS? Only staff members (including doctoral researchers) of Ghent University can apply, for activities and mobility aiming at enhancing research collaboration between Ghent University and two or more ENLIGHT partners.
- CALL & BUDGET? The call has 3 different strands, each with different eligibility criteria and budget. Activities funded through this call must all be concluded by April 30th, 2025. More information can be found here: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/university-about-us/funding/1096-institutional-calls#ghent-university
- DEADLINE? 15 March 2025.
Looking for ENLIGHT partners?
If you're interested in one of these calls and you are still seeking a suitable partner, please have a look at the existing ENLIGHT tools that can facilitate your search:
- Partner search: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/contact/partner-search
- ENLIGHT R&I Observatory: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/landing-research-and-innovation/r-i-observatory
- ENLIGHT course catalogue: https://courses.enlight-eu.org/ - please note that this course catalogue is a work in progress and might not provide a complete overview of all ENLIGHT courses.
Be sure to also reach out to the ENLIGHT@UGent team. We are ready to brainstorm ideas with you or help find partners within ENLIGHT to develop your idea. You can reach us at enlight@ugent.be
12 november 2024 10:20