Looking for connections in implementation science

Socio-economic impact of research is something that Ghent University cares very much about. Since 2015 we have been developping policies and capacity to better support, reward and make visible all the value creation and impact activities of our research community, while building their impact literacy. More information on the intranet.

While value creation is the process of connecting research with society in practice - by way of many different pathways (eg. science communication, policy influence, technology transfer, ...), there is also such as thing as 'implementation science'. This is the field of research which aims to rigorously explore and consolidate 'how research is implemented', addresses implementation bottlenecks in  a structured way, and typically produces models, frameworks, synthesis reviews etc. In short it's the application of research methodology to understanding research use (implementation).

A number of Ghent University researchers from the health sciences are now joining forces to get to grips with implementation science and discover who else at the university is working in this space. To help this they are organising an event on the afternoon of 4 February 2025

More details about the programme and online registration (before 29 January)

9 januari 2025 13:13