[Europa][FWO] EP PerMed: Open Call
Er staat een nieuwe oproep open van The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed):
- identification of new pharmacogenomic markers or signatures using (multi)-omics data in relation to drug or drug combination
- validation of a pharmacogenomic marker or signatures using (multi)-omics data in predicting drug or drug combination outcomes
- use pharmaco-omics strategies to determine the right dosage, the efficacy of treatments and/or the risk of adverse drug response and non-response to treatment to tailor personalised treatment pathways, including combined treatments (multi-medication)
OPGELET: projecten die zich richten op volgende onderwerpen zijn niet ontvankelijk:
- Projects focussing only on drug-drug-interaction
- Projects focusing on the clinical development of new drugs
Deadline pre-proposal: 18 februari 2025 (14:00 CET)
Deadline full proposal: 17 juni 2025 (14:00 CET)
- FWO projectfinanciering: max. 350 000 EUR (inclusief overhead)
- Projectduur: 36 maanden
Projectfinanciering via FWO (FO- en SBO-financieringskanaal); er is ook een administratieve indiening nodig via het FWO e-loket:
- Voor FO-projecten: aanvraagformulier ‘Research projects – European programme fundamental research’
- Voor SBO-projecten: aanvraagformulier ‘strategic basic research projects (SBO)’
Het FWO raadt onderzoekers aan om voor indiening contact op te nemen omtrent de ontvankelijkheidscriteria. Dit om de onontvankelijkheid van de Vlaamse onderzoeker(s) individueel, en het consortium als geheel, te vermijden.
- Voor inhoudelijke begeleiding kan u terecht bij Evi Lippens
- Gelieve het projectbudget minstens 5 werkdagen voor indiening voor te leggen aan Team Projecten Vlaams Federaal
The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) has launched a new call:
- identification of new pharmacogenomic markers or signatures using (multi)-omics data in relation to drug or drug combination
- validation of a pharmacogenomic marker or signatures using (multi)-omics data in predicting drug or drug combination outcomes
- use pharmaco-omics strategies to determine the right dosage, the efficacy of treatments and/or the risk of adverse drug response and non-response to treatment to tailor personalised treatment pathways, including combined treatments (multi-medication)
Please note: projects focussing only on drug-drug-interaction and projects focusing on the clinical development of new drugs are not eligible.
Deadline pre-proposal: 18 February 2025 (14:00 CET)
Deadline full proposal: 17 June 2025 (14:00 CET)
- FWO Project funding: max. 350 000 EUR (overhead included)
- Project duration: 36 months
Applicants for FWO funding must also submit an administrative application via the FWO e-portal:
- For fundamental research projects (FO) select the application type: ‘Research projects – European programme fundamental research’
- For strategic basis research projects (SBO) select the application type: ‘Research projects – European programme strategic basic research’
Researchers are strongly advised to contact the FWO before submission regarding the eligibility criteria. This to avoid the ineligibility of a researcher individually, and the project consortium as a whole.
- Please contact Evi Lippens for questions regarding the content of the proposal.
- Please send the project budget to Team Flemish and Federal Projects at least 5 work days before submission.
23 december 2024 10:14