Research integrity: Commission for Research Integrity


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There’s no clear-cut definition of research integrity, nor do we have a list of 'does and don’ts' that apply for all researchers, in all research circumstances. Behaviour will be acceptable or unacceptable, but the values and norms must be translated to each particular research situation. This makes research integrity an interesting area to reflect upon, but for some researchers it is very challenging that research integrity often is more about making choices within the framework of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ALLEA code). Research integrity is all about being able to reflect in a critical way on one’s own research behaviour and on the behaviour of others.

This means that it is not always easy to determine how best to respond to a given situation and whether, in fact, one's choice was the right one. The ALLEA code guides researchers in making the right choices but it is impossible to catch every possible situation in research in one code. This can cause questions about your own behaviour or that of others around you. In some cases you will witness situations where you know violations of research integrity are committed.

To give clarification in case of questions, but also to deal with alleged violations of research integrity, the Board of Governors at Ghent University established a Commission for Research Integrity (CRI – CWI in Dutch), already in 2010.


Advice on questions

Feel free to contact the secretary of the CRI - Rita Cortvrindt ( for all your case related questions. For more general questions or questions on initiatives taken at Ghent University with regards to research integrity, contact the Research Integrity Advisor - Stefanie Van der Burght (


A formal procedure for alleged violations

By following the procedure, an investigative committee of the CRI judges whether or not there has been a breach against the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ALLEA Code), leading international codes endorsed by Ghent University and/or against the guidelines applicable to the institution that are related to research integrity.

To view the full document of the “procedure for investigating presumed breaches in research integrity”, click here (code REG000095EN).

Anyone can report a suspected violation. All UGent researchers are encouraged to report any (presumed) breach of research integrity to the CRI:

Ghent University - Research Department (DOZA)
Commission for Research Integrity
t.a.v. Rita Cortvrindt (secretary)
Universiteitstraat 8
9000 Gent


Composition of the Commission

For dealing with a complaint, besides chairperson, secretary and legal-academic expert, at least 3 additional members will be appointed, taking into account their expertise.

Chairperson: Freddy Mortier
Secretary: Rita Cortvrindt – substitute Annik Leyman

Legal-academic expert: Maud Piers (RE) - Simon Geiregat (RE)

Pool of members:

  • 4 ZAP-members from alfa faculties:

Gertrudis Van de Vijver (LW)
Jan De Houwer (PPW)
Geert Poels (EB)
Piet Bracke (PS)

  • 4 ZAP-members from bèta faculties:

Stijn Vansteelandt (WE)
Katleen Raes (BW)
Ann Vanreusel (BW)
Hennie De Schepper (EA)

  • 4 ZAP -members from gamma faculties:

Piet Ost (GE)
Guy Joos (GE) 
Ann Van Soom (DI)
Freddy Haesebrouck (DI)

  • external members 

Jan Cornelis (VUB)

Karen Francois (VUB)


The operation of CRI is regulated by internal Rules and Regulations (code REG000096EN).


A second opinion

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of a case handled by the university CRI, you have the possibility to ask for a second opinion from the Flemish Commission for Research Integrity (in Dutch VCWI).

Please note that this is not an appeal procedure. It is a second opinion that is equivalent to the opinion of the university CRI. The Rector of Ghent University takes both into account in the (final) decision on a case.

The Flemish Commission has two functions:
• advising on concrete cases which have already been dealt with in the research integrity commissions of Flemish universities
• advising on more general questions from scientific institutions in Flanders



Vlaamse Commissie voor Wetenschappelijke Integriteit (VCWI) - Bert Seghers

+32 (0) 2 550 23 32

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Last modified Dec. 9, 2024, 11:13 a.m.