Resources: helpful tools to find literature
These tools will help you find literature on the topic of your choice.
You can find over 4.000.000 references for books, serials, images, theses, and databases in the library catalogue of Ghent University. Many of these can be consulted online, from the comfort of your home.
If you can't find something, the library staff is there to help. Contact them via chat or mail, or ask your question in person at the circulation desk.
Attention! The catalogue doesn't contain articles, except those entered into Biblio, the Ghent University Academic Bibliography. Find articles using Google Scholar or another database. -
UniCat combines the catalogues of important Belgian universities as well as the Royal Library.
Most books available in other libraries can be requested through interlibrary loan (ILL) for a small fee. -
Worldcat is the largest catalogue of scientific libraries. Unfortunately, the collections of only a few Belgian libraries can be found here. -
Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a database for scientific sources. Use this database through the Ghent University network for the best results. Browsing through the Ghent University network at home is possible by opening a browser in Athena.
This database allows you to search through fulltext files. Make sure to narrow your search entry accordingly. Like 'regular' Google, Google scholar sees a space as AND, a dash (-) as NOT, and | as OR. Use double quotation marks to search for exact phrases. You cannot truncate using an asterisk (*). -
Antilope is the catalogue for serials in Belgian scientific libraries. -
Scopus is Elsevier's multidisciplinary abstract and citation database. It contains almost 22.000 journals and over 130.000 books, which makes it worth browsing alongside Web of Science. Just like Web of Science, Scopus is not only interesting to search for literature, but also offers many possibilities in the field of citation analysis. See the website of Elsevier for more information. -
Through Ulrich's web you'll find an overview of (almost) all magazines, worldwide. -
Web of Science is another multidisciplinary abstract and citation database. You can only find A1 publications here. -
You can find several dictionaries, including Van Dale (Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish), through browsing our catalogue. You can also access Duden (German-English) through Athena.
More tips
- Assess the quality of a scholarly journal (Publish)
- Critical reading: the CRAAP test (Critical reading)
- E-books (Search / find)
- Google Scholar (Search / find)
- Resources: search and find information (Search / find)
- Scholarly article: where to find it? (Search / find)
- Searching scientific literature: an example from psychology by prof. dr. Brosschot (Search / find)
- Sources: primary, secundary and tertiary sources (Search / find)
- Web of Science (WoS): introduction (Search / find)
Translated tip
Last modified Aug. 28, 2024, 11:11 a.m.