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Aantal resultaten: 139

GDPR: When am I processing high-risk personal data and when do I need to conduct a DPIA?

What is a DPIA?

Before processing personal data you, as a researcher on behalf of the processing controller UGhent, must assess whether or not the processing is likely to have a high risk for the freedoms and rights of the data subjects. If so, you are obliged to carry out …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

Searching: what is the snowball search method?

The snowball search method is a way of tracking down related works by using the bibliography or reference list at the end of an article as your starting point. After all, there's a good chance that the sources the author has consulted while writing will be relevant to your own …

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level: algemeen
tags: article   database   search engines   search strategy  

GDPR: why is it important to comply with this legislation?

Protecting the rights and freedoms of data subjects

If you process personal data, your job is to protect the rights and freedoms of data subjects in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For this you must evaluate the possible risks associated with the processing of personal data …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

GDPR: what has changed with regard to the previous privacy legislation?

Although the main components of the previous privacy legislation are largely retained, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) also introduces a number of important changes.

1. Accountability

The former 'obligation to report' to the privacy commission was replaced with 'accountability' whereby you as the researcher must document the processing of …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

GDPR: What are the basic principles?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is based on six basic principles that you must take into account when processing personal data.

Basic principles 1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparency

You are obliged to process personal data in a transparent manner with respect for all applicable laws, regulations and rules. …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

GDPR: What should I keep in mind when designing my research?

Privacy by design

In the design phase of a research project, you normally think about the substance and methodological aspects of your research.

In view of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) it is important to also thoroughly consider and describe the collection and processing of personal data during the …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

GDPR: when does it apply to my research?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies:

  • when you (or your institution or organisation) are located in the EEA and you process personal data (e.g. collection, recording, classification, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, etc.) in the context of scientific research at or affiliated with Ghent University, regardless …
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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

Start an Open Access Journal

Via the Open Access platform UGent

The University Library Ghent offers a publication platform for (UGent) editors of open access journals via https://openjournals.ugent.be/.  Existing journals as well as brand new ones can use the platform to publish their journal online. 

Not only can you publish the articles, you can …

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level: algemeen
tags: journal   open access   open science  

Evidence-based guideline: how to write a quality guideline

What is an evidence-based guideline?

Evidence-based guidelines (or clinical practice guidelines) consist of statements that include recommendations to help physicians, patients, carers or policy makers make health care decisions in a specific health care setting with the aim of optimising patient care.

Evidence-based guidelines are informed by a systematic review …

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level: algemeen
tags: evidence-based guideline   evidence-based richtlijn  

GDPR: what are some things to consider when using (online) survey tools?

When using an (online) survey tool to collect personal data for your research , you need to make sure that the tool is GDPR compliant and that you follow the GDPR principles when using it.

UGent has a campus licence for Qualtrics since 1 January 2022. Other survey tools are …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

Open Access to your publications

Open Access refers to the practice of making peer-reviewed scholarly research and literature freely available online to anyone interested.

Open means anyone can freely access, use, modify, and share for any purpose, subject, at most, to requirements that preserve provenance and openness. It does not affect authors' freedom to choose …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   article   journal   open access   open science  

GDPR: Can I share research data with personal data with other researchers or institutions when my research project has ended?

The GDPR does not prevent research data containing personal data from being shared with other researchers for reproducibility and reuse after the research.

What are the conditions for the reuse of personal data?

  • Sufficient technical and organizational measures must be taken such as pseudonymization, limitation of access to the data, …
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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

GDPR: how do I protect my data correctly?

When you process personal data, the GDPR ethically and legally obligates you to sufficiently protect personal data.

The basic level of security must always be in accordance with the information security policy of Ghent University. However, additional measures may be necessary specific to each processing. The choice of additional …

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level: algemeen
tags: GDPR   research data management  

GDPR: when do I engage in 'profiling'; what should I think about? And what is 'exclusively automated individual decision-making'?


Profiles of individuals and or groups can be made as part of a study, for example to determine, analyse or predict a person's personality or behaviour. When profiling involves the processing of personal data, you need to be mindful of the GDPR. The GDPR also applies when exclusively …

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level: algemeen
tags: AVG   GDPR   research data management  

ORCID: what is it?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provides a persistent identifier that will distinguish a researcher from other researchers throughout their scholarly career. An ORCID is globally unique and will continuously refer to the same researcher. Funders (e.g. NIH, HEFCE, ...) and publishers (e.g.. Elsevier, American Association for the Advancement of …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   BOF   open science  

Research integrity training: 7 knowledge clips

The knowledge clips on training research integrity: a series of 7 clips 

In total there are 7 knowledge clips available on training research integrity. They are all in English.

Knowledge clip 1 - presentation: the basics

Knowledge clip 2 - presentation: the trainer's perspective

Knowledge clip 3 - exercise: the …

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level: algemeen
tags: ethics   ethiek   integriteit   integrity   kwaliteitsbeoordeling   lecture   lezing   quality assessment  

FINPRO: what research funding exists for researchers at Ghent University?

You can find an overview on the page Funding opportunities. Funds exists on different levels:

  • via Ghent University
  • on a Flemish level
  • on a federal (Belgian) level
  • on a European and/or international level
  • in the context of development cooperation

Keep up to date with calls and other funding news …

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level: algemeen
tags: BOF   FWO   grant   Horizon 2020   Horizon Europe  

Ufora: wetenschappelijke bronnen koppelen in een cursus

In Ufora, het leerplatform van de UGent, kan je wetenschappelijke bronnen linken per inhoud of (sub)module van een cursus. Hieronder lees je stapsgewijs hoe je zelf koppelingen maakt naar documenten/bestanden en webpagina's in Ufora. 

Merk op dat enkel cursusbeheerders en lesgevers aanpassingen kunnen doen aan een cursus en/of (sub)modules. …

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level: algemeen
tags: bibliotheek   databank  

Scopus: hoe vind je er de ranking van een tijdschrift?

Om in Scopus de ranking van een tijdschrift te vinden, ga je naar de databank en selecteer je Sources of ga via deze link rechtstreeks naar Sources toe.

Scopus is een multidisciplinaire, bibliografische databank (bundelt zowel alfa, beta als gamma wetenschappen) waarin je ook citaatgericht kan zoeken. De databank bevat …

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level: algemeen
tags: databank  

EndNote: importing a Mendeley library

There are two ways to import a Mendeley library into EndNote.

  • Open your Mendeley library.
  • Click File > Export All > RIS - Research Information Systems (*.ris).
  • Save the file.
  • Open your EndNote library.
  • Click File > Import > File.
  • A pop-up window appears. Choose the file you just …
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    level: detail
    tags: EndNote  

    EndNote: how to make a back up

    You can back up your EndNote library by making a Compressed Library.

    When you incorporate your EndNote library (.enl file) and your associated data folder (.data file), you create a Compressed Library. It is a smaller file than the .enl file and .data file combined and can be easily stored …

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    level: detail
    tags: EndNote  

    EndNote: hoe kan je referenties importeren vanuit The Cochrane Library?

    Stap 1: Selecteer de referenties die je wil exporteren > Export selected citation(s)   Stap 2: Selecteer het formaat Plain Text > vink Include Abstract aan > Download en sla op   Opmerking: niet opslaan als RIS-bestand     Stap 3: Ga naar EndNote en klik op File > Import … Read more

    level: detail
    tags: academisch schrijven   artikel   EndNote   FFW   FGE   refereren  

    EndNote: creating a library


    1. Open EndNote via Athena 

    If you've never used Athena on this device before, install the Citrix client: https://helpdesk.ugent.be/athena/en/ica.php 


    2. Click in EndNote on File > New




    3. Save the library on your H:Drive, preferably in a separate folder

    An .enl file and a …

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    level: detail
    tags: EndNote   refer  

    EndNote: what is a Traveling Library?

    "Traveling Library" refers to the citations that are embedded in a Word document. You can:

    • Send the Traveling Library to your publisher, alongside your manuscript
    • Export the Traveling Library from a Word document of a colleague
    Export a Traveling Library
    • Go to Word via Athena
    • Open your paper either via …
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    level: detail
    tags: EndNote   refer  

    Mendeley: how to export your library

    A switch to a different kind of reference management software is one of several possible reasons to export your references. When you export your references, you create a small file that you can import again in another type of software. The free Mendeley Desktop version only allows you to …

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    level: detail
    tags: refer  

    Mendeley: how to organise your library

    In Mendeley, you can organise your references in Collections with several sublevels. You can also create Groups, which are collections of references you intend to share with other researchers.


    To create Collections:

    • Open Mendeley Desktop.
    • Click on 'New Collection' in the lefthand column under 'COLLECTIONS'.
    • Name the Collection. …
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    level: detail
    tags: refer  

    EndNote: how do you share your library?

    You can share (parts of) your EndNote desktop library with up to 99 colleagues or peers.

    Back up your library Make an online EndNote account
    • Make an online EndNote account by registering here
    • Use your UGent e-mail account so EndNote recognises …
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    level: detail
    tags: EndNote   refer  

    EndNote: what is your library's capacity?

    Ghent University has a license for EndNote desktop and has access to Web of Science.


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    tags: EndNote   refer  

    EndNote: adding information to a set of references

    It is possible to add the same (filled out) field to multiple references at the same time. This is a handy feature when you want to add the name of database your references come from or if you want to add tags like "read," "to read," etc.

    Before you do …

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    level: detail
    tags: EndNote   refer  

    GDPR: What should I do in the event of further/secondary processing of personal data?

    Primary vs. secondary processing

    In the case of further or secondary use of personal data in a research project, the personal data will not be directly collected from the data subjects by you.

    If you do collect the personal data directly from the data subjects as part of your research …

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    level: detail
    tags: GDPR   research data management