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Aantal resultaten: 22

GISMO: what is it?

GISMO is the Ghent University research information system. This system supports two aims: (1) database of all research related information (researchers with their career details and expertise, projects, publications and other types of output, research activities, infrastructure/equipment etc.) and (2) support/streamlining research related workflows (application and management of research proposals, …

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level: algemeen
tags: GISMO  

FINPRO: what support does a front officer provide for my projects?

During all crucial phases of the project (from application to closure), a budget holder can call on the support of a front officer for the financial management of research and education projects. At least one front officer has been appointed for each department. This financial expert can be consulted for …

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level: algemeen
tags: GISMO   grant  

Research visibility: approach to increase your visibility

Having good visibility of scientific output, ensures greater reach and may lead to greater impact of your scientific work, on a scientific, social and economic level.

The roadmap below can be used as a guide to promote the visibility of your scientific research.

  • Register an ORCID iD Visit the Create …
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    level: algemeen
    tags: artikel   Biblio   GISMO  

    GISMO: Research Explorer

    GISMO is the Ghent University research information system. This system supports two aims: (1) database of all research related information (researchers with their career details and expertise, projects, publications and other types of output, research activities, equipment etc.) and (2) support/streamlining research related workflows (application and management of research proposals, …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: GISMO   search engines   search strategy  

    Plagiarism detection: use of the tool StrikePlagiarism

    Where can you find the tool?

    Checking articles or other textual work for plagiarism? Recently, it can be done with a new tool, StrikePlagiarism. The new tool is built into the Ufora learning environment.

    Teachers (and their students) are already familiar with it in the context of checking …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: academic writing   article   EndNote   integrity   journal   refer  

    Retraction Watch: what is it?

    Retraction Watch, acquired by Crossref in September 2023, is a database that lists retracted (retractions) or corrected (corrections) publications, or publications with an expressions of concern. A blog is connected to the database, highlighting some of the retracted publications. Though Retraction Watch only started in 2010, older publications can …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: academic writing   article   copyright   evaluate   integrity   quality assessment  

    Finding Belgian legislation

    You can find Belgian (federal) legislation on the platform Belgian Legislation. Via a single interface you can search the database of the index of legislation as well as the database of the consolidated legislation.

    Belgielex is the intersection of the Belgian laws where you can find federal as well …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FRE  

    Finding European legislation

    EUR-Lex is thé platform for EU law. It is the offcial and most complete collection of legal sources of the EU and is updated daily. On it, you can find:

    • EU law,
    • EU case law,
    • other European public documents,
    • and the authentic electronic version of the Official European Journal,

    available …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: database   FRE  

    GDPR: what are some things to consider when using (online) survey tools?

    When using an (online) survey tool to collect personal data for your research , you need to make sure that the tool is GDPR compliant and that you follow the GDPR principles when using it.

    UGent has a campus licence for Qualtrics since 1 January 2022. Other survey tools are …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: GDPR   research data management  

    Oxford Bibliographies in Buddhism

    De Oxford Bibliographies in Buddhism is een digitale bibliografie die beheerd wordt door vakspecialisten. De bibliografie bevat ‘artikels’ (lemmata) over thema's, begrippen en personen die verband houden met het Boeddhisme. In de afzonderlijke 'artikels' krijg je een overzicht van wat het onderwerp inhoudt, en verwijzingen naar gespecialiseerde literatuur (referentiewerken, overzichtswerken, verzamelwerken, etc.) …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: databank   FLW   zoekstrategie  

    GDPR: what is the General Data Protection Regulation?

    When you process personal data for your research, you must follow the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    The GDPR: new European privacy legislation

    The GDPR, which has been in force since 25 May 2018, modernises the existing privacy legislation. It creates a uniform European legislative framework …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: GDPR   research data management  

    GDPR: how do I protect my data correctly?

    When you process personal data, the GDPR ethically and legally obligates you to sufficiently protect personal data.

    The basic level of security must always be in accordance with the information security policy of Ghent University. However, additional measures may be necessary specific to each processing. The choice of additional …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: GDPR   research data management  

    Open Access in Belgian legislation

    On September 5th 2018, the Belgian Official Journal published an Open Access provision in the Belgian law. This law gives authors the right to make scholarly publications available in Open Access with a maximum embargo period of  6 months for Science Technology and Medicine (STM) and 12 months for Social Science …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: copyright   open access   open science  

    How to preserve and share data in data repositories?

    Preservation and sharing of data in a data repository

    The preferred option for data preservation and sharing is to deposit data in an established, trustworthy research data repository.

    A data repository is an online platform that is used to: 

    • Publish completed datasets.
    • Share datasets externally with different access levels and …
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    level: algemeen
    tags: Biblio   data register  

    GDPR: why is it important to comply with this legislation?

    Protecting the rights and freedoms of data subjects

    If you process personal data, your job is to protect the rights and freedoms of data subjects in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    For this you must evaluate the possible risks associated with the processing of personal data …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: GDPR   research data management  

    GDPR: what has changed with regard to the previous privacy legislation?

    Although the main components of the previous privacy legislation are largely retained, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) also introduces a number of important changes.

    1. Accountability

    The former 'obligation to report' to the privacy commission was replaced with 'accountability' whereby you as the researcher must document the processing of …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: GDPR   research data management  

    International Medieval Bibliography (IMB), Bibliographiy of Medieval Civilisation (BCM) & International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR) (Brepolis)

    Deze bibliografische databanken bevatten de gegevens van

    • boeken,
    • tijdschriftartikels en diverse (essays, congresverslagen en feestbundels).

    Alledrie de databanken worden op dezelfde manier geïndexeerd.

    Op de beginpagina (=Simple Search) krijg je een zoekvenster waar je op alle velden of auteur kan zoeken.

    Je hebt ook de mogelijkheid thematisch te …

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    level: algemeen
    tags: databank   FLW  

    FWO: which reporting requirements are applicable to research output of FWO projects?

    What does FWO require?

    FWO requires all information on research results to be submitted to the FRIS research portal if these results originate from a project that is at least partially funded with FWO resources. At Ghent University, fulfilling this requirement is supported through GISMO and Biblio. From these …

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    level: detail
    tags: FWO   GISMO   grant  

    GISMO: module Project - submit an application

    GISMO allows applications for BOF and IOF funding to be submitted electronically. The conversion of the known calls takes place gradually; some calls are still submitted on paper. Whether an application must be submitted on paper (= pdf by e-mail) or via GISMO is indicated on the specific webpage. The …

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    level: detail
    tags: BOF   grant  

    GISMO: How do I upload a DMP and link it to my project?

    GISMO acts as a database of all (research) projects at Ghent University.

    Access GISMO with your Ghent University account via http://gismo.ugent.be.

    Then choose the tab Project. Via the tile overview you get a list of all your past and current projects.

    What is a DMP?

    A data management plan …

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    level: detail
    tags: GISMO   research data management  

    GDPR: how do I register personal data processing activities?

    Why register processing activities?

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that all activities concerning personal data processing at UGent and UZ Gent are documented and registered in a 'register of processing activities', the GDPR Register.

    This internal documentation obligation is an essential tool to help researchers comply …

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    level: detail
    tags: GDPR   research data management