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SFX is a button that tries to bring you to an online full text article, based on the bibliographical information you've entered. If an online full text is not available, it'll offer you different options, for instance where you can find a print version, or how to request it from …
Read moreScholarly article: where to find it?
Search a bibliographic database
The best way to find qualitative scholarly articles is to use a bibliographic database. There are multidisciplinary databases (e.g. Scopus, Web of Science) as well as discipline-specific databases (e.g. PubMed for health sciences). These databases give an overview of published scholarly information, whether …
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search strategy
SciFinder-n is the new interface for the classic version of SciFinder. SciFinder-n provides easy access to information in Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) resources: journal citations and abstracts, substance data, chemical reactions, regulatory data, chemical suppliers, and biomedical literature.
AccessThis database is accessible within the Ghent University network. Login to …
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FEA - engineering
Scopus (Elsevier)
Scopus is an interdisciplinary bibliographical database with more than 61 million items from 105 countries in over 40 languages. It contains:
- Peer-reviewed journals published from 1823 onwards
- Conference proceedings
- Books (mainly on social sciences, the arts and philosophy)
- Patents
Scopus maintains the following criteria to ensure qualitative resources:
- The publications …
Scopus versus Web of Science - de verschillen
In de markt voor multidisciplinaire citatiedatabanken zijn Web of Science (kortweg 'WoS'; van Clarivate Analytics ) en Scopus (van Elsevier) de twee grote spelers.
Web of Science bestaat al lang (sinds 1961) en heeft een gevestigde reputatie. Scopus is jonger (2004) maar is intussen ook wereldwijd bekend als 'de andere professionale …
Read moreScopus: hoe vind je er de ranking van een tijdschrift?
Om in Scopus de ranking van een tijdschrift te vinden, ga je naar de databank en selecteer je Sources of ga via deze link rechtstreeks naar Sources toe.
Scopus is een multidisciplinaire, bibliografische databank (bundelt zowel alfa, beta als gamma wetenschappen) waarin je ook citaatgericht kan zoeken. De databank bevat …
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Search: Boolean operators
The 3 most important Boolean operators that can be used to search on the internet are AND, OR and NOT.
These operators are used as conjunctions to combine or exclude search terms in a search, resulting in more focused and productive results. The use of these operators can significantly …
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search engines
search strategy
Searching scientific literature: an example from psychology by prof. dr. Brosschot
Almost every scientific study starts with an extensive literature search. You look for the articles written on your subject of interest and you'll gradually discover unanswered questions or new lines of thoughts worth exploring.
When you start writing your own article, you'll usually include a literature review summarising the …
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search engines
search strategy
systematic review
Searching: what is a citation search?
A citation search can go forward or backward in time. If you go forward in time, you look for the sources that cited your original article. If you go back in time, you look for the sources cited by your original article (also called "snowball search").
Benefits … Read more
level: algemeen
search engines
search strategy
Searching: what is the snowball search method?
The snowball search method is a way of tracking down related works by using the bibliography or reference list at the end of an article as your starting point. After all, there's a good chance that the sources the author has consulted while writing will be relevant to your own …
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search engines
search strategy
Sources: primary, secundary and tertiary sources
What are primary sources?
Primary sources are sources written (or made) by an original author. In exact sciences, these are lab logs, articles in which you present your research, the data you gathered during your research, etc. In social sciences these could be novels, paintings, archaeological objects, and so on. …
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quality assessment
search strategy
systematic review
Start an Open Access Journal
Via the Open Access platform UGent
The University Library Ghent offers a publication platform for (UGent) editors of open access journals via https://openjournals.ugent.be/. Existing journals as well as brand new ones can use the platform to publish their journal online.
Not only can you publish the articles, you can …
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open access
open science
Strada lex
Strada lex is the legal database of Larcier. This database is available in Dutch, French, and English. It contains legislation, case law and the journals of the publishers Larcier and Bruylant to which Ghent University has a subscription. On the bookshelf you will also find the digital version of the …
Read moreSystematic review: tips, tricks and tools
How do I formulate my research question and selection criteria?
Formulate a research question in which, if possible, all aspects of your topic are named. The PICO model is a tool for setting up a clinical research question, clearly describing the patient category (Population/Patient), …
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quality assessment
research question
search strategy
systematic review
The research data lifecycle: What is it?
The research data lifecycle is a key concept within Research Data Management (RDM). It describes the different stages research data go through before, during, and after a research project. Various data management activities take place within each stage of the data lifecycle, and the choices made in one stage influence …
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research data management
Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB)
Translation Studies Bibliography is an annotated bibliography of the vast field of Translation and Interpreting Studies. TSB includes a thesaurus where you can include search terms from a controlled vocabulary in your search.
AccessThis database is fully accessible within the UGent network (UGentNet).
Boolean operatorsYou can …
Read moreUfora: wetenschappelijke bronnen koppelen in een cursus
In Ufora, het leerplatform van de UGent, kan je wetenschappelijke bronnen linken per inhoud of (sub)module van een cursus. Hieronder lees je stapsgewijs hoe je zelf koppelingen maakt naar documenten/bestanden en webpagina's in Ufora.
Merk op dat enkel cursusbeheerders en lesgevers aanpassingen kunnen doen aan een cursus en/of (sub)modules. …
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Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry
Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry is a reference work related to industrial chemistry. As of 2016 it is in its 7th edition. This reference work provides the most current and trustworthy knowledge in everything that relates to the chemical industry, including processes, chemicals, products, analytical chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and …
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FEA - engineering
V&A ((Dutch) reference style for law school)
Within the scientific field of law in the (Dutch) Belgian context, the reference style juridische verwijzingen en afkortingen (V&A) is used to refer to sources in publications.
All information about V&A can be found in the manual.
In 2024, the style was substantially changed, among other things to facilitate …
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academic writing
Web of Science (WoS): introduction
Web of Science (WoS) is a portal of several scholarly databases. Ghent University has access to:
- Science Citation Index (SCI)
- Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S)
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH)
- Emerging Sources …
level: algemeen
Web of Science: how to find the impact factor and ranking of a journal?
Open Web of Science
Go to the library catalogue lib.ugent.be > Databases > WoS : Web of Science.
Click "Products" in the top right corner to open a dropdown menu. Then click "Journal Citation Reports (tm)."
Enter the title, the short title, …
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Web of Science: saving a search query
If you create a Web of Science account, your search history will be automatically saved.
Click "View your search history" on the left to see your search history. You can create search alerts also.
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Web of Science: what is My Research Assistant (app) and how do I use it?
Web of Science (Clarivate) developed a new app to help you access their database from wherever you are. Once you're set up, you don't need to be connected to the Ghent University network anymore! But what can you do with it exactly, and how can you start using it?
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research question
search engines
Westlaw is a legal database by Thomson Reuters with a focus on the United States, and a selection of international materials. It contains an extensive collection of American case law (on federal and state level) and a large quantity of secondary sources on more than 30 subjects. The international materials …
Read moreWestlaw UK
Westlaw UK, a legal database of Thomson Reuters, provides access to case law, legislation, news, legal journals, commentaries, topical alerts and UK legal materials. It also contains a selection of materials (e.g., case law, legislation) related to the EU. In Westlaw UK, some of the 'International Materials' from the …
Read moreWorking Paper: what is it? Where to find it?
A working paper or discussion paper is a “work in progress”, a paper you're still working on. It's a preliminary, nearly finished, unpublished version of your research project that's not yet ready to be presented at a conference nor to get published in a journal.
You have a hypothesis and/or …
Read moreWrite: do you know what you're writing?
Before you start writing, having a good sense of what you'll be writing is an important first step. Some examples of text types that require different kinds of writing are:
- a paper: you look for the answer to an objective research question through field research or a literature study. …
level: algemeen
academic writing
systematic review
Zenodo: When to use Zenodo to preserve and share research data?
This research tip describes the suitability and advantage of Zenodo for preservation and sharing of research data. For a step-by-step guide on how to use Zenodo, check this research tip. How to preserve and share research data?
The preferred option for preservation and sharing of research data is to …
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data register
research data management
Zenodo: step-by-step guide for preservation and sharing of research data and software
This is a step-by-step guide for sharing data and software in Zenodo, a popular generic data repository. For more general information about the use of Zenodo as well as other data repositories, check our research tip "When to use Zenodo to preserve and share research data?", RDM …
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data register
research data management
Zoeken naar bronnen : Architectuurontwerp I (Bachelor 1)
Wat zoek je?
- Projectbeschrijvingen
- Plannen
- Snedes
- Foto's
Er zijn een aantal go-to tijdschriften waarin je heel snel de verschillende bronnen van projecten kan terugvinden, de belangrijkste zijn:
Internationaal:- El Croquis (per architect)
- A+U: architecture and urbanism (per thema)
- GA houses
- GA document
- Casabella
- JA: the Japan …
level: algemeen
FEA - architecture
kwalitatief onderzoek