List by category
Search / find
- ACL Anthology
- ACM digital library
- Acta Sanctorum (Chadwyck) database
- Africa-Wide Information (Ebsco)
- archINFORM
- Article: requesting an article from another library
- Automatic alerts on recent publications: a how-to
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
- Beck-online
- BelgicaPress, database of digitised historical Belgian newspapers
- BHA: Bibliography of the History of Art (Getty)
- Book: can I borrow a book?
- Book: how and where to find it?
- Book: how to renew the loan term
- Book: how to reserve?
- CEPR - Centre for Economic Policy Research
- CERN Document Server
- Chapterscan: searching and finding references and content tables of books
- Communication Source
- Creative commons: open licence for copyrighted works
- Dalloz
- Data analysis resources
- Database search: how to use search terms?
- E-books
- Embase: comparison with PubMed and tips & tricks for searching
- Evidence-based guideline: how to write a quality guideline
- Finding Belgian legislation
- Finding European legislation
- GenAI: transciption of interviews with Whisper
- GISMO: Research Explorer
- Google Scholar
- Google: search tips
- Grove Dictionary of Art
- HeinOnline
- IEEE Xplore: Digital Library
- InView (Kluwer Navigator)
- Jura
- Kluwer Arbitration
- Legal Intelligence
- Lexis 360 Intelligence
- LexNow
- Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
- NBER - National Bureau of Economic Research
- OECD Statistical Compendium
- PID: What is a persistent identifier for publications and datasets?
- ProQuest: introduction
- PubMed: why and how to search
- Remote access & VPN
- Resources: helpful tools to find literature
- Resources: search and find information
- Resources: where to find information on retracted or contested publications?
- Scholarly article: where to find it?
- Search: Boolean operators
- Searching scientific literature: an example from psychology by prof. dr. Brosschot
- Searching: what is a citation search?
- Searching: what is the snowball search method?
- Strada lex
- Systematic review: tips, tricks and tools
- Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB)
- Ullmann's encyclopedia of industrial chemistry
- Web of Science: how to find the impact factor and ranking of a journal?
- Web of Science: saving a search query
- Web of Science: what is My Research Assistant (app) and how do I use it?
- Westlaw
- Westlaw UK
Critical reading
- Clinical trial: how do I evaluate the quality?
- Critical reading: how do you do it?
- Critical reading: how to read a scientific article
- Evidence-based guideline: how can I evaluate the quality?
- Research integrity: trending topic – paper mills
- Resources: helpful tools to find literature
- Resources: search and find information
- Resources: where to find information on retracted or contested publications?
- Systematic review: tips, tricks and tools
- Academic writing in a nutshell
- APA: how to make a reference list
- APA: how to refer within a text
- Authorship: authorship roles (contribution disclosure – author(ship) contribution statements)
- Authorship: conditions to be included as an author
- Authorship: what is the Ghent University policy?
- Citing: how to
- Collaborating on an article: what are your options?
- Copyright: my rights as an author
- Copyright: the basics in Belgian law
- How do I write a Data Management Plan?
- EndNote: adding information to a set of references
- EndNote: creating a library
- Endnote: find and remove duplicates
- EndNote: how to create a group?
- EndNote: how to make a back up
- EndNote: importing references from Web of Science
- EndNote: personalising your reference fields
- EndNote: what is a Traveling Library?
- EndNote: what is it?
- EndNote: what is your library's capacity?
- Evidence-based guideline: how to write a quality guideline
- GenAI: transciption of interviews with Whisper
- Mendeley: how to add and edit references
- Mendeley: how to cite while you write
- Mendeley: how to export your library
- Paraphrase: how to
- Plagiarism detection: use of the tool StrikePlagiarism
- Reference software: reasons to use it
- Reference style: what is it?
- Referring: how to do it correctly
- Retraction Watch: what is it?
- Systematic review: tips, tricks and tools
- V&A ((Dutch) reference style for law school)
- Zotero: how do I manage my sources in Zotero?
- Zotero: how to cite in Word or LibreOffice
- Zotero: how to install Zotero?
- Academic poster
- Copyright: my rights as an author
- Research integrity training: 7 knowledge clips
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 1: the basics
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 2: the trainer perspective
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 3: the good researcher
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 4: the lab
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 5: the dilemma game
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 6: the middle position
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 7: closure
- Academic poster
- Assess the quality of a scholarly journal
- Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM): what is it?
- Authorship: authorship roles (contribution disclosure – author(ship) contribution statements)
- Authorship: conditions to be included as an author
- Authorship: what is the Ghent University policy?
- Biblio: Repository policy
- Copyright: my rights as an author
- Copyright: the basics in Belgian law
- Creative commons: open licence for copyrighted works
- CrimRxiv
- Deposit number (D-number) behind a PhD thesis: what is it, is there a link with ISBN and is it obligatory?
- DMP: How do I write a final Data Management Plan?
- EndNote: creating a library
- EndNote: importing references from Web of Science
- EndNote: personalising your reference fields
- EndNote: what is it?
- EU funding: what are the Open Access requirements for publications in Horizon Europe?
- Evidence-based guideline: how to write a quality guideline
- FileSender: introduction
- How to preserve and share data in data repositories?
- ISBN: what is it and how do I request one?
- Journal: what does "peer-reviewed" mean?
- Name change as a researcher: how do you do that?
- Open Access colours: green, gold, diamond, hybrid and more
- Open Access in Belgian legislation
- Open Access to your publications
- Open Access: How to make publication Open Access when an embargo from a publisher applies?
- Open Access: How to use the Rights Retention Strategy?
- Open Research Europe: what is it?
- ORCID: what is it?
- Paraphrase: how to
- PID: What is a persistent identifier for publications and datasets?
- Plagiarism detection: use of the tool StrikePlagiarism
- Publish: how to submit an article in a scholarly journal?
- Reference software: reasons to use it
- Research integrity: trending topic – paper mills
- Research visibility: approach to increase your visibility
- Resources: where to find information on retracted or contested publications?
- Retraction Watch: what is it?
- Systematic review: tips, tricks and tools
- V&A ((Dutch) reference style for law school)
- Web of Science: how to find the impact factor and ranking of a journal?
- Working Paper: what is it? Where to find it?
- Zenodo: step-by-step guide for preservation and sharing of research data and software
- Zenodo: When to use Zenodo to preserve and share research data?
- Zotero: how do I manage my sources in Zotero?
- Zotero: how to cite in Word or LibreOffice
- Zotero: how to install Zotero?
Research integrity & ethics
- Assess the quality of a scholarly journal
- Authorship: authorship roles (contribution disclosure – author(ship) contribution statements)
- Authorship: conditions to be included as an author
- Authorship: what is the Ghent University policy?
- Consent in research – ethics & privacy (GDPR)
- DMP: How do I write a final Data Management Plan?
- How do I write a Data Management Plan?
- sign in via ORCID
- EU Funding: How do I address research integrity in my Horizon Europe proposal?
- EU funding: what are the Open Access requirements for publications in Horizon Europe?
- FAIR: What are the FAIR data principles?
- FWO: How do I complete the DMP section in my FWO application?
- GDPR: What to keep in mind when developing or deploying apps for research?
- GDPR: Can I share research data with personal data with other researchers or institutions when my research project has ended?
- GDPR: how can I ensure that the processing of personal data is lawful?
- GDPR: how do I protect my data correctly?
- GDPR: how do I register personal data processing activities?
- GDPR: how long may I store research data containing personal data?
- GDPR: how to be transparent to data subjects in my research?
- GDPR: Pseudonymisation of personal data
- GDPR: what are personal data?
- GDPR: what are some things to consider when processing personal data from minors?
- GDPR: what are some things to consider when using (online) survey tools?
- GDPR: What are the basic principles?
- GDPR: What are the different roles and responsibilities according to the GDPR?
- GDPR: What do I need to think about when transferring personal data to third countries or international organisations?
- GDPR: What do I need to think about when using a mailing list in the context of my research?
- GDPR: what has changed with regard to the previous privacy legislation?
- GDPR: What information should I include in an informed consent form when the processing of personal data is based on the consent of the data subjects?
- GDPR: what is the General Data Protection Regulation?
- GDPR: What rights do data subjects have, how do I respect them and what exceptions may apply to research?
- GDPR: What should I consider when using social media data for scientific research?
- GDPR: what should I do in case of a data breach?
- GDPR: What should I do in the event of further/secondary processing of personal data?
- GDPR: What should I keep in mind when designing my research?
- GDPR: what should I keep in mind when I want to process personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences?
- GDPR: what should I keep in mind when processing special categories of personal data?
- GDPR: What should I take into account when developing or using AI?
- GDPR: What should I think about when I collaborate with others or share my data?
- GDPR: When am I processing high-risk personal data and when do I need to conduct a DPIA?
- GDPR: when do I engage in 'profiling'; what should I think about? And what is 'exclusively automated individual decision-making'?
- GDPR: when does it apply to my research?
- GDPR: who are considered to be vulnerable persons?
- GDPR: why is it important to comply with this legislation?
- GenAI: Overview of National and European legislation and guidelines
- GenAI: PhD research (proposal) and AI
- GenAI: responsible use in research
- GenAI: Writing a (postdoctoral) research proposal
- GenAI: Writing a scientific article
- How to preserve and share data in data repositories?
- Peer review: what is it?
- PID: What is a persistent identifier for publications and datasets?
- Plagiarism detection: use of the tool StrikePlagiarism
- Qualtrics: how do I use this survey tool?
- Research assessment: guideline for responsible evaluation
- Research assessment: guidelines when using quantitative indicators (for evaluation organisers)
- Research assessment: tips for researchers who want to use quantitative indicators in their CV, project application, etc.
- Research assessment: what are ARRA and CoARA?
- Research assessment: what is DORA?
- Research Data Management: What is RDM?
- Research integrity training: 7 knowledge clips
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 1: the basics
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 2: the trainer perspective
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 3: the good researcher
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 4: the lab
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 5: the dilemma game
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 6: the middle position
- Research integrity training: knowledge clip 7: closure
- Research integrity: a suspicion of violation– what to do?
- Research integrity: ALLEA code – European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
- Research integrity: Commission for Research Integrity
- Research Integrity: online training tool Mind the GAP
- Research integrity: reasons to care
- Research integrity: the 'slippery slope' from good to bad
- Research integrity: the Mind the GAP podcast series
- Research integrity: trending topic – paper mills
- Research integrity: what is it about?
- Resources: where to find information on retracted or contested publications?
- Retraction Watch: what is it?
- RSpace: how do I use this ELN?
- The research data lifecycle: What is it?
- Working Paper: what is it? Where to find it?
- Zenodo: step-by-step guide for preservation and sharing of research data and software
- Zenodo: When to use Zenodo to preserve and share research data?
Funding / GISMO
- BOZI: Newsletter on research and internationalisation (Berichten over Onderzoek en Internationalisering)
- EU Funding: How do I address research integrity in my Horizon Europe proposal?
- EU funding: Open Research Data for ERC grants - H2020
- FINPRO: what do I need to do for the financial side of my project?
- FINPRO: what research funding exists for researchers at Ghent University?
- FINPRO: what support does a front officer provide for my projects?
- FWO: How do I complete the DMP section in my FWO application?
- FWO: Publications and research data in FWO-applications
- FWO: which reporting requirements are applicable to research output of FWO projects?
- GISMO: How do I upload a DMP and link it to my project?
- GISMO: module Project - submit an application
- GISMO: overview of tips
- GISMO: Research Explorer
- GISMO: what is it?
- Open Research Data Pilot and research data management for Horizon 2020 projects
- ORCID: what is it?
- Orientation year for international researchers with an expiring hosting agreement